Johnston & Wake County Tree Professionals
2000 Birch Lane - Clayton, NC 27520

Hermans Tree Service has the capability of using a crane to safely remove any trees on your property. In some instances a crane makes it the safest and most effective way of removing a tree if it is close to your home or another structure.

We care about your property and we will use our years of knowledge and expertise to protect surrounding property. In many cases of crane use for our projects we will put down 3/4 plywood to protect driveways, lawns, and any other areas where out-riggers are placed. After evaluating your trees, we will discuss with the customer whether or not using a crane is a cost wise solution.


When using a crane we are able to provide a safe and efficient and very low impact tree removal service at a lower cost than removing large limbs and trees with traditional methods.

Cranes have been utilized by tree services like ours for many decades and have become increasingly more popular since they provide reach and enough strength to life and move large trees/limbs.


We understand that your property is a big investment and we want our customers to know that we are there for them to help them accomplish any tree project and removal. Contact us today for more information.

Crane tree removal job Tree removal with crane


Key Benefits of our Crane Services

Whether you have limbs damaged from storms or ice, or large branches threatening to destroy your home or other structure, Herman's Tree Service has you covered. Benefits of our crane service include:

 Protecting your property from damage from limbs and damaged trees
  Keep your property looking great
 Avoid insurance claims or rate hike due to damage from trees or limbs
  Peace of mind knowing you are covered by our $1 million insurance policy

Interested In this service? Contact us for more information.